sur Bahrain Economic Development Board

Tamkeen Unveils ‘Bahrain Skills and Gender Parity Accelerator’ in Davos

Bahrain Labour Fund (Tamkeen) has joined forces with the World Economic Forum to launch the Bahrain Skills and Gender Parity Accelerator. Announced at the Davos meeting, the initiative aims to address the gender skills gap in emerging industries, boosting participation of Bahraini professionals.

Key figures such as His Highness Shaikh Isa bin Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa and H.E. Noor bint Ali Alkhulaif were present alongside notable WEF members. This accelerator builds on Bahrain's strong educational foundation, focusing on STEM and digital skills, to prepare a future-ready workforce. Bahrain is recognized globally for gender parity, ranking high in learning outcomes for girls.

The accelerator, managed by Skills Bahrain, seeks partnerships with private sector leaders. Insights will be used for a cross-sectoral analysis to pinpoint gender skill gaps. The initiative reflects Bahrain's dedication to human capital development, further supported by global giants like AWS and Citi establishing hubs in the nation.

R. E.

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