sur TaxBandits

TaxBandits and Sage Intacct Enhance 1099 E-Filing Partnership

TaxBandits, an IRS-authorized e-file provider, has reinforced its collaboration with Sage Intacct to automate and simplify 1099 e-filing solutions for the 2024 tax year. This marks their third consecutive year of partnership, aiming to ease businesses' compliance with federal and state filing regulations before the January 31, 2025, deadline.

The partnership offers an automated e-filing process, ensuring IRS and state agency compliance while allowing businesses to concentrate on more pressing tasks. The user-friendly platform is scalable and incorporates robust security features to cater to businesses of varied sizes.

Key benefits for Sage Intacct users include seamless data transfer, quick e-filing, error-checking tools, and a stress-free recipient distribution process. Additionally, the PRO features support tax professionals with a client portal, team management tools, and detailed filing reports.

R. E.

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