sur TDG Gold Corp. (isin : CA87190J1057)

TDG Gold Corp Announces $14.5 Million Private Placement and Property Acquisition

TDG Gold Corp has announced plans to complete a $14.5 million private placement, involving a strategic investment from Skeena Resources Limited. This initiative includes the acquisition of a 100% interest in the Sofia Property in British Columbia’s Toodoggone District. The funds raised will support exploration at TDG's Greater Shasta-Newberry project.

TDG's CEO, Fletcher Morgan, emphasized the acquisition's potential to expand TDG's porphyry exploration program. The offering involves the issuance of up to 6 million non-flow-through shares, alongside 14 million charity flow-through shares, with Skeena acting as a back-end purchaser. The Sofia Property acquisition necessitates issuing 8 million common shares to Skeena.

The completion of both the offering and acquisition is pending regulatory approvals and is expected to enhance TDG’s exploration capabilities in British Columbia.

R. E.

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