sur TES

TES Announces Rebrand to 'SK tes' Following Acquisition

TES, a leader in technology and battery lifecycle management, has become SK tes after its acquisition by SK ecoplant. This rebranding includes a new logo symbolizing customer happiness and asserts the company's commitment to sustainable services globally. Both firms share a vision of environmental responsibility, pivotal in their operations and corporate ethos. This change was announced on Earth Day, emphasizing the company's dedication to sustainability and aligning with the Earth Day 2024 theme 'Planet Vs. Plastics'.

CEO Terence Ng expressed enthusiasm for this new phase, indicating a continued dedication to excellence in service and innovative solutions under the SK tes brand. The company recently expanded its global presence with a new facility in Virginia, U.S, illustrating its growth and reach across 22 countries with over 40 facilities. According to Chief Commercial Officer Eric Ingebretsen, the rebranding supports their long-term vision of leading in managed IT services, repurposing, and recycling. SK tes's alignment with SK's vision fortifies its strategies against plastic pollution and promotes recycling, aiming for a sustainable future.

R. E.

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