sur Thalassa Holdings Ltd (isin : VGG878801114)

Thalassa Holdings Expresses Concerns over DG Innovate's Future

Thalassa Holdings Ltd has publicly shared a letter directed to the Board of DG Innovate plc. The letter outlines Thalassa's intent to explore solutions to enhance value, liquidity, and long-term strategy for DG Innovate stakeholders. Despite presenting an offer to purchase DGI’s assets, Thalassa received no response. This is troubling given the 99% decline in DGI's share price following its delisting decision.

The letter cited concerns over DGI's solvency and transparency, highlighting that no updates have been provided since the delisting announcement. Thalassa questioned DGI's funding status post-delisting and asked for clarification on potential funding agreements, including the involvement of the Investment Fund for Wales. It also raised issues about the large volume of DGI's share transactions.

Thalassa requested a timely response to the inquiries, underlining the urgency due to the forthcoming DGI delisting and its financial uncertainties.

R. E.

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