sur Thalassa Holdings Ltd (isin : VGG878801114)

Thalassa Holdings Ltd Reduces Voting Stake

Thalassa Holdings Ltd has announced a change in major holdings, indicating a reduction in voting rights. Janbelco BV, based in Naarden, Netherlands, is the entity involved in this adjustment. The notification revealed that Janbelco BV's voting rights decreased from 4.02% to 3.00%, representing 500,000 shares in Thalassa Holdings.

This adjustment took place on January 15, 2025, and Thalassa Holdings was notified on January 20, 2025. The company confirmed that Janbelco BV is not controlled by any external entity and does not control other entities holding shares in Thalassa Holdings.

The shares are identified with ISIN code VGG878801114. There are no financial instruments affecting the voting rights detailed in this announcement. The issuer, a non-UK entity, continues regular disclosure of its substantial holdings as per regulatory requirements.

R. H.

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