sur After School Music Academy

The After School Music Academy ready to revitalize art education in California

In response to the historic allocation of 1 billion dollars for arts and music education in California, the After School Music Academy (ASMA) is proposing an innovative approach to maximize this investment. ASMA goes beyond traditional music lessons, encouraging creativity and personal expression in students through music, movement, and mindfulness.

Recognizing the increased need for staff and resources in California schools, ASMA positions itself as an immediate solution, ready to integrate into existing after-school structures. The program stands out for its focus on expression rather than perfection, the variety of activities offered, and a teaching method that aims at emotional well-being and discipline.

ASMA invites officials and educators from California school districts to collaborate in enhancing current artistic initiatives. In addition to a flexible implementation of its program, ASMA offers professional development workshops for educators and guidance on maximizing program funding.

According to David Chiorini, founder of ASMA, this initiative comes at a crucial moment, as one in five California schools currently offers music education. ASMA is committed to providing a sustainable infrastructure for artistic enrichment in schools.

R. H.

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