sur The Driver Provider

The Driver Provider expands its vehicle fleet by signing a rental contract with Shuttle Bus Leasing

Shuttle Bus Leasing (SBL), a leader in providing sustainable transportation solutions, together with its affiliate Complete Coach Works (CCW), has been awarded a lease contract for four 2002 New Flyer 40-foot buses from The Driver Provider, a transportation company recognized for its commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction. This partnership highlights a key moment for both companies as they seek to improve transportation services in the region.

Under this agreement, SBL will lease four buses from The Driver Provider, thereby expanding their fleet. These buses will come from SBL’s inventory and will undergo a rigorous inspection process to ensure operational reliability on the road.

“We are excited to provide The Driver Provider with additional buses that align with their current fleet,” said Shah Remtulla, regional sales manager at CCW. Kendra Kaplan, vice president of sales at The Driver Provider, added: “Welcoming these new buses to our fleet and continuing our partnership with Shuttle Bus Leasing allows us to better meet the growing demand for our services.”

This collaboration between SBL and The Driver Provider highlights the importance of strategic partnerships in driving innovation and growth in the transportation sector. By leveraging their respective strengths and expertise, both companies are well positioned to deliver exceptional value to their customers and contribute to the advancement of the industry.

R. H.

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