The emergence of vaping as a smoking cessation tool

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action KUMULUS VAPE (EPA:ALVAP).

Kumulus Vape has published the results of a survey conducted by IFOP (French National Institute for the Study of Opinions), revealing trends in e-cigarette use in France. According to the survey, 56% of participants view e-cigarettes as an effective way to quit smoking. Despite this positive perception, only 39% of smokers are considering quitting, compared to 53% the previous year, illustrating a decline in intentions to quit.

The study highlights the improved well-being and cost savings achieved by users, with 65% of vapers reporting a better quality of life. However, perceptions of the risks of vaping remain ambivalent, with 50% of respondents believing smoked tobacco to be more dangerous than e-cigarettes.

Issues of taxation and regulation of flavors are also generating debate. Fifty-one percent want lower taxes on vaping. Finally, 54% of respondents believe that authorities do not sufficiently recognize the role of vaping in the fight against smoking.

R. E.

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