sur U.S. Polo Assn.

The Maharaja of Jaipur, New Global Ambassador for U.S. Polo Assn.

The official brand of the United States Polo Association, U.S. Polo Assn., has announced His Majesty the Maharaja Sawai Padmanabh Singh of Jaipur, India, as its new Global Ambassador. A professional polo player and member of the royal family of Jaipur, Singh has been instrumental in popularizing the sport worldwide.

As a Global Ambassador, Singh will take part in sports and fashion events, and will promote the brand on social media. U.S. Polo Assn. plans to launch a capsule collection inspired by Singh, further strengthening its global footprint and especially in India, its fastest-growing market.

Singh's commitment to polo and his efforts to promote the sport in Jaipur have been highlighted, including the reactivation of the Jaipur polo team and various initiatives to encourage sport participation. U.S. Polo Assn. celebrates Singh's appointment, stating that his passion for polo perfectly embodies the brand's spirit.

R. H.

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