sur Now Corporation (NASDAQ:NWPN)

The Now Corporation Targets California's Community Solar Market

The Now Corporation, trading under OTC PINK:NWPN, has announced plans to penetrate California's expanding community solar market. This strategic move aligns with the newly introduced Assembly Bill 2316, which incentivizes community solar projects with advanced battery storage technologies. This legislative effort aims to enhance the adoption of solar energy by allowing solar power generated during daylight to meet peak demand hours, thereby improving grid stability and reliability.

Green Rain Solar Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Now Corporation, is at the forefront of this initiative. Specializing in urban solar energy and grid integration, Green Rain Solar focuses on converting rooftop sunlight into grid-connected power, particularly in high-cost urban areas. With proprietary technology and strategic partnerships, the company intends to supply dispatchable solar energy, crucial for California's energy needs.

By integrating battery storage solutions, The Now Corporation positions itself as a significant player in California’s community solar space. This move promises potential benefits for developers, consumers, and utility workers, alongside contributing to cleaner and more reliable energy solutions for the state.

R. P.

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