sur The Vanguard Group, Inc. (isin : US12572Q1058)

The Vanguard Group, Inc. Reveals Position on Network International Holdings plc

The Vanguard Group, Inc. has officially declared its position in the shares of Network International Holdings plc, according to Form 8.3 published on February 22, 2024. This comes in accordance with the rules of the Takeover Code, which require public disclosure by those holding interests in securities representing 1% or more.

As of February 21, 2024, The Vanguard Group, Inc. held 21,691,011 ordinary shares of 10p in Network International Holdings plc, representing a direct stake of 4.07%. Additionally, the company conducted a sale transaction of 21,504 shares at a unit price of 3.84 GBP.

This announcement does not mention any specific arrangement or agreement regarding voting rights or future acquisition of the securities in question. Any additional transaction or relevant agreement will likely be disclosed in accordance with applicable regulations.

R. H.

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