sur The Vanguard Group, Inc. (isin : US12572Q1058)

The Vanguard Group reports a significant position in Smith (DS) plc

On February 23, 2024, The Vanguard Group, Inc. disclosed a significant open position in the company Smith (DS) plc, in accordance with the UK Takeover Code regulations. The group, a leading investor, controlled 61,985,477 ordinary shares of Smith (DS) plc, representing 4.50% of the company's shares as of February 22, 2024.

In addition to this announcement, Vanguard also mentioned its interest in Mondi plc, another player in the sector, suggesting an investment strategy that encompasses several key market companies.

In recent transactions, The Vanguard Group acquired 487 ordinary shares of Smith (DS) plc at a unit price of 3.25 GBP, illustrating its ongoing activity in the stock market of this company.

The Vanguard Group did not report any specific arrangement or agreement related to these holdings, nor any financial derivative or optional commitment related to Smith (DS) plc or any other party related to this disclosure.

R. H.

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