sur Thermador Groupe (EPA:THEP)
Thermador Groupe in Exclusive Talks with Quilinox

On March 7, 2025, Thermador Groupe entered exclusive negotiations to acquire Quilinox, a Spanish distributor of stainless-steel equipment. Quilinox, located in Paterna, Valencia, specializes in products for fluid regulation in diverse sectors like food, biotechnology, and pharmaceuticals. Its 2024 financial results showed €14.6 million in sales and €1,422k in EBITDA. The company employs 40 people in Spain and one in Portugal. Italian manufacturers supply 55.5% of its purchases.
The acquisition could bring synergies with Thermador's companies focused on industrial valves. Founder Francisco Quiles will manage the transition period, while CEO Fernando Marí commits to continue leading Quilinox for five years. The sales protocol may be finalized by mid-2025.
R. P.
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