sur Thermador Groupe (EPA:THEP)
Thermador Groupe Reports a Notable Decrease in 2024 Turnover

Thermador Groupe has announced a significant decline in its financial results for 2024, with a turnover drop of 13.3%, totaling €503.9 million. The decline affects both constant scope and sales prices, which fell by 2.6%. The company's varied sectors experienced a downturn, largely due to reduced public funding for energy-efficient building renovations and alterations in grant allotment rules.
Among their subsidiaries, PBtub and Thermacome were heavily impacted by a drop in property transactions, with a 22.8% decrease in turnover. The DIY market also suffered a decline, affecting subsidiaries like Odrea and Mecafer. Although the market for industrial products showed resilience, it wasn't enough to fully offset the overall negative trend.
Despite these challenges, the company chose to retain their workforce, impacting operating profit, which saw a severe reduction of 25.7%. Looking ahead, the group is preparing for a challenging yet hopeful recovery, focusing on strategic acquisitions to foster future growth.
R. H.
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