sur American Marketing Association Chicago

Three New Directors Join the Largest Section of AMA in Chicago

The American Marketing Association Chicago (AMA Chicago), the largest section in North America, has announced the addition of Suky Lawler as Director of Communication, Jim Heininger as Director of Strategic Relations, and Karen Hatfield as Director of Programming to its board of directors. These appointments mark a new milestone in the development of this influential organization in the world of marketing in Chicago.

The three new directors bring substantial and diverse experience to AMA Chicago. Suky Lawler, currently Director of Marketing and Communication at M. Holland Company, is recognized for her expertise in corporate and event communication. Jim Heininger, founder of Dixon|James Communications, has over 30 years of experience as a brand and communication strategist. Karen Hatfield, Marketing Director at Aeris, stands out for her ability to merge customer-centric marketing strategy and product innovation.

Their commitment for the next two years underscores the appeal and value that AMA Chicago offers to the marketing community, according to Bonnie Massa, Executive Director of AMA Chicago. The association continues to provide professional development opportunities, networking events, and marketing resources for its members.

R. H.

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