sur Thyssenkrupp Nucera AG & Co. KGaA (isin : DE000NCA0001)
Thyssenkrupp nucera Partners with Chlorum Solutions for Arizona Plant
thyssenkrupp nucera has teamed up with Chlorum Solutions USA to design and supply a state-of-the-art chlor-alkali plant in Casa Grande, Arizona. This facility, introducing advanced skid-mounted technology, is set to revolutionize chemical production by minimizing transport risks and reducing dependency on long-haul shipping. Construction is scheduled to start in 2025, with operations commencing later in 2026.
The plant will utilize thyssenkrupp nucera’s energy-efficient membrane technology, aiming to lower environmental impact compared to traditional methods. By localizing production, it will mitigate the need to transport chlorine over long distances, instead producing essential chemicals such as sodium hypochlorite and hydrochloric acid on-site. This strategic move provides a reliable supply for Arizona and surrounding areas.
Additionally, the project aims to create permanent jobs in engineering, operations, and administration, boosting local employment and enhancing supply chain resilience across the U.S., which is heavily reliant on Gulf Coast chemical production. The plant sets a new benchmark for excellence in sustainable chemical manufacturing.
R. E.
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