sur Thyssenkrupp Nucera AG & Co. KGaA (isin : DE000NCA0001)
Thyssenkrupp nucera Sees Impressive Growth in Q1 2024/2025
In the first quarter of the fiscal year 2024/2025, thyssenkrupp nucera reported significant growth in both sales and EBIT. With sales jumping 27% to EUR 262 million, the company experienced the highest quarterly sales in its history, primarily driven by advancements in the green hydrogen (gH2) and chlor-alkali (CA) sectors. EBIT also improved, reaching EUR 8 million from a previous EUR–2 million deficit, attributed to a better gross margin in the gH2 division.
The company recorded a EUR 95 million order intake, showing a decrease from EUR 176 million last year due to project delays and market volatility. However, the CA business unit saw a 35% increase in new orders. Despite challenges in the hydrogen market, the outlook for the full fiscal year remains optimistic with expected sales between EUR 850 million and EUR 950 million.
thyssenkrupp nucera continues stringent cost management and R&D investments to sustain its competitive edge. The company's positive cash flow developments and strategic expansions enhance its growth prospects amidst ongoing regulatory hurdles.
R. P.
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