sur Tibersoft (isin : CA21037X1006)

Tibersoft launches a new mobile application to energize sales teams

On February 27, 2024, Chris Hart, Vice President of Research and Development Operations at Tibersoft, announced the launch of "Locations Near Me". This new mobile application is intended to increase field sales efficiency by seamlessly connecting sales representatives with nearby carrier locations, providing instant access to crucial information such as distribution channels, programs sales and purchasing behavior.

“Rentals Near Me” aims to turn downtime into income-generating opportunities. The app facilitates sales call planning by providing verified transaction information by location, such as sales volume, SKUs purchased, and performance indicators. This, without prior preparation, allows for more productive sales calls.

The application integrates seamlessly into Tibersoft's existing ecosystem, complementing tools such as Operator Review and MyInsights, to simplify the complexities of the foodservice industry and maximize the potential for success of every sales effort . “Locations Near Me” represents a strategic investment in strengthening field sales capabilities, promising to redefine how business is done and optimize performance in the foodservice industry.

R. H.

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