sur Dormakaba Holding AG (isin : CH0011795959)

TIME Magazine Names Dormakaba as One of the World’s Most Sustainable Companies

Dormakaba has been recognized by TIME magazine as one of the "World’s Most Sustainable Companies 2024." This new ranking, developed in collaboration with Statista, aims to promote corporate responsibility and elevate sustainable practices. The ranking assessed over 5,000 global companies on 20 sustainability criteria, including carbon emissions, energy intensity, employee turnover, and work safety.

Stephanie Ossenbach, Group Sustainability Officer of Dormakaba, stated, "Sustainability management is a marathon, not a sprint. We are committed to continuing this journey with our global colleagues."

This year, Dormakaba has also received a gold medal from EcoVadis, Prime Status by ISS ESG Corporate Rating, and an AA rating from MSCI. Additionally, the Financial Times named Dormakaba one of Europe’s Climate Leaders.

R. H.

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