sur Tonies SE (isin : LU2333563281)

Tonies Appoints Ginny McCormick as Chief Experience Officer

tonies, the leading international digital audio platform for children, has appointed Ginny McCormick as its first-ever Chief Experience Officer (CXO). Effective September 2, 2024, McCormick will oversee tonies' brand, product, and content functions. This move aims to accelerate the company’s international growth trajectory.

Ginny McCormick brings two decades of industry experience, having held marketing leadership roles at, Amazon Hub, Hasbro, and others. Her expertise will be crucial as tonies aims to enhance its screen-free entertainment offerings for children globally.

CEO Tobias Wann emphasized that the creation of the CXO role will sharpen the company's focus on delivering exceptional customer experiences as it scales globally. Chairman Christian Bailly views this appointment as a significant organizational milestone that will bolster tonies' leadership at the intersection of technology, content, and play.

McCormick expressed enthusiasm about joining tonies, describing the brand as having already captured the hearts of children and families worldwide. She aims to create memorable experiences that entertain, educate, and inspire.

R. P.

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