TONNELERIE FRANCOIS FRERES: Sustained growth during the first nine months of 2023/2024

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action TONNELERIE FRANCOIS FRERES (EPA:TFF).

TONNELERIE FRANCOIS FRERES announces growth in its turnover of 11.8% over the first nine months of the 2023/2024 financial year, reaching 369.5 million euros. This progression is marked by positive dynamics both in the wine market and in the alcohol sector, despite a slowdown observed in the wine activity due to a low harvest in 2023.

The group's alcohol division experienced notable growth of 22.7%, driven by robust sales in the bourbon sector and significant growth in the Whiskey business. This segment now represents 55% of the company's consolidated turnover. Conversely, the wine segment posted moderate growth of 0.8%, impacted by unfavorable weather conditions, particularly in Europe and Oceania.

The company confirms its growth targets above 10% for the 2023/2024 financial year, despite uncertainties linked to exchange rate fluctuations. These results underline the relevance of TONNELERIE FRANCOIS FRERES' diversification strategy, particularly its investment in the alcohol sector in the United States.

R. P.

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