Tonnellerie François Frères Records a Moderate Decline for the 1st Quarter 2024/2025

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action TONNELERIE FRANCOIS FRERES (EPA:TFF).

TFF Group reported consolidated revenue of €121.5 million for the first quarter of fiscal year 2024/2025, down 3.3% year-on-year. On a like-for-like basis, the decline was 5.5%, impacted by an unfavorable base effect after record post-COVID performance.

The wine division posted a figure of 57.8 million euros, down 4.6% (8.1% like-for-like) due to forecasts of low wine harvests in Europe and unfavorable weather conditions. The alcohol division also declined, with a drop of 2% (3.2% like-for-like), affected by the revision of the programs of American distilleries.

As a result, TFF Group anticipates a year of transition to adjust to this uncertain economic environment, while optimizing its production. The group hopes for a recovery in 2025/2026.

R. E.

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