sur Black Book Market Research
Top Finance & Revenue Cycle Solutions Showcased at HFMA Annual Meeting
This week's HFMA Annual Meeting's Exhibit Hall features 24 top-performing finance and revenue cycle management (RCM) solutions, identified by Black Book Research's latest user survey. Attendees will see standout solutions recognized for performance, ROI, client experience, loyalty, and satisfaction.
Held in Las Vegas from June 24-28, 2024, Black Book Research acknowledges top technology and RCM services companies based on an extensive survey of nearly seven thousand financial technology users. The survey evaluated vendors on 18 key performance indicators, reflecting diverse perspectives from professionals in various healthcare sectors.
Doug Brown, President of Black Book, emphasized their commitment to innovative research and unbiased customer feedback. This year's awards highlight vendors excelling in user experience and client satisfaction, raising the industry standard.
Recognized vendors include WAYSTAR, MRO Corp, EnableComp, CarePayment, Inovalon, and many others, set to showcase their solutions at the HFMA 2024 trade show, promising valuable insights into RCM advancements.
R. E.
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