Transfer of CAFOM securities to Euronext Growth envisaged

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action CAFOM (EPA:CAFO).

The CAFOM Group, a specialist in home equipment in Europe and Overseas, could transfer the listing of its shares to Euronext Growth. At the General Meeting scheduled for March 31, 2025, a request for authorization will be submitted to shareholders. The Board of Directors has not yet made a final decision.

This transfer would allow CAFOM to reduce the constraints of the regulated market Euronext Paris. Euronext Growth, with its simplified operation, adapts better to the needs of the Group while retaining the advantages of the financial markets.

Euronext Growth is not a regulated market but a trading system approved by the AMF. If the resolution is adopted, CAFOM will communicate its final decision after exploring the project.

R. P.

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