sur TripBeast

TripBeast Introduces Two New Products: TripBeast Bookings and TripBeast AI Travel Assistant

MEMPHIS, TN / ACCESSWIRE / June 24, 2024 / TripBeast™, a hospitality technology provider, has launched two innovative products: TripBeast Bookings and TripBeast AI Travel Assistant. These additions enhance the company's white-label cloud platform that supports the retail distribution of various travel-related services.

TripBeast Bookings is a user-friendly booking engine designed to streamline the reservation process for both travelers and travel agents. It allows users to search, compare, and book flights, hotels, rental cars, and more. This engine aims to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty through a seamless booking experience.

The TripBeast AI Travel Assistant is an AI-powered chatbot offering personalized assistance and support. It can manage a wide range of inquiries, from booking help to travel recommendations, providing instant responses and valuable information to users. This tool aims to boost customer engagement and service quality.

"We are thrilled to introduce TripBeast Bookings and TripBeast AI Travel Assistant," said James Mays, CEO and Founder. "These products demonstrate our commitment to innovation and our dedication to empowering clients in a competitive market."

With these new offerings, TripBeast reaffirms its position as a trusted partner for travel agents, influencers, and other industry stakeholders.

R. E.

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