sur Tron DAO

TRON DAO stands out at the MIT Fintech Conference and organizes its TRON Builder Tour

On February 23, 2024, during the MIT Fintech Conference held at the Samberg Conference Center at MIT, the TRON DAO team stood out for its active participation. The event coincided with a TRON Builder Tour stop at MIT, attracting more than 90 participants. David Uhryniak, Head of Ecosystem at TRON DAO, shared key insights on CBDCs, stablecoins and the utility of cryptocurrencies, highlighting the major role of blockchain in ushering in a new technological era.

On this occasion, the team also presented its avant-garde Bitcoin layer 2 development project, aimed at strengthening the interoperability and efficiency of the blockchain. The TRON Builder Tour highlighted TRON DAO's commitment to blockchain development, providing an ideal platform for discussions on future initiatives, including HackaTRON Season 6. The event also featured a raffle of exclusive TRON products.

TRON DAO plans to expand the TRON Builder Tour to other universities, promoting broader understanding and engagement with blockchain technology. His active participation in the MIT Fintech Conference and hosting the TRON Builder Tour demonstrate his continued commitment to innovation, education and collaboration in the blockchain industry.

R. P.

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