sur Troy Minerals Inc. (isin : CA8974711084)

Troy Minerals Discovers Critical Mineral Scandium at Lake Owen

Vancouver-based Troy Minerals Inc. has completed its maiden drilling program at the Lake Owen Project in Wyoming, revealing promising mineral findings. The project, located southwest of Laramie, is a Proterozoic layered mafic intrusion complex primarily explored for Platinum Group Elements.

In the third quarter of 2024, two diamond drill holes totaling 607.77 meters were executed, targeting titanium and vanadium mineralization. Early results indicate anomalous zones of titanium and associated elevated vanadium levels. Notably, scandium, a rare-earth element with no domestic supply in the US, was also detected in significant concentrations.

The company's president, Yannis Tsitos, highlighted scandium's relevance in green technologies and its applications in aerospace and military industries. Following the initial findings, Troy Minerals has expanded its claims to 185 and plans a second exploration phase in 2025.

R. P.

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