sur Troy Minerals Inc. (isin : CA8974711084)

Troy Minerals Doubles Lake Owen Project Size in Wyoming

Troy Minerals Inc. has significantly expanded its Lake Owen Project in Wyoming, increasing its size from 714 to 1433 hectares by acquiring 85 new claims. The decision follows a successful initial phase of geological exploration conducted in the latter half of 2024. This expansion aims to explore additional magnetite-rich gabbro areas with potential for vanadium, titanium, PGE, and more as identified through historical research. The new claims are accessible and strategically located adjacent to existing holdings.

The Lake Owen Complex, akin to the Stillwater Complex in the USA, is part of the US government's critical minerals strategy. Recent surveys, including high-resolution magnetic and radiometric evaluations, bolster its development potential. Collaboration between USGS, WGS, and Troy Minerals aims to further understand core samples and advance the project's exploration efforts.

R. P.

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