sur Grid Metals Corp. (isin : CA39814L1076)

TSX-V Approves Grid Metals' Makwa Joint Venture with Teck Resources

Grid Metals Corp. (TSXV:GRDM) announced the approval of its option and joint venture agreement with Teck Resources Limited by the TSX Venture Exchange. The company has received a minimum cash payment of CAD$400,000 from Teck, as stipulated in the agreement. This arrangement focuses on the Makwa Nickel Project in southeastern Manitoba.

Grid Metals will be participating in the Vancouver Resource Investment Conference, inviting attendees to visit Booth #622. The conference will host over 120 expert speakers and provide a marketplace of more than 300 investment opportunities in the mining sector.

Grid Metals is actively involved in exploration and development projects within the Bird River area, Manitoba, holding interests in nickel, copper, and lithium projects. The company maintains an exploration agreement with the Sagkeeng First Nation.

R. P.

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