sur U10 SA (isin : FR0000079147)
U10 Corp Liquidity Contract Annual Review for 2024
U10 Corp, a company based in Lyon, is posting the annual results of its liquidity contract as of December 31, 2024. Managed by TP ICAP (Europe), this contract concerns the shares identified by ALU10 FP. As of that date, the liquidity account contained 41,489 shares and €9,038.65 in cash.
During the second half of 2024, 30,988 shares were purchased for EUR 48,564.90 in 225 transactions, while 30,017 shares were sold for EUR 47,095.21 in 178 transactions. By comparison, as of June 28, 2024, the account had 40,518 shares and EUR 11,349.89.
Since the inception of the new contract in March 2019, the contract has shown an increase in available securities, initially set at 31,144 securities, accompanied by 27,847.18 euros in cash.
R. H.
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