sur U10 SA (isin : FR0000079147)

U10 - Results for the first half of 2024: Turnover at 85.2 million euros

U10 SA publishes a turnover of 85.2 million euros for the first half of 2024, up 1.5% compared to 2023. In Europe, however, sales are down, from 67 million to 62.4 million euros. In Asia, the results are better, increasing from 16.95 million to 22.87 million euros.

The company also deployed its new U10 Merch service, aimed at optimizing the consumer journey in store. Early data indicates improved sales and profitability.

In 2024, U10 is intensifying its CSR approach with initiatives such as the use of recycled materials and energy renovation projects. A new CSR project is expected before the end of the year.

R. H.

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