UBS Group AG crosses capital threshold at Ubisoft

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action UBISOFT ENTERTAINMENT (EPA:UBI).

UBS Group AG, a Swiss company, exceeded the regulatory threshold of 5% of the capital of Ubisoft Entertainment on November 13, 2024. It now holds 5.21% of the capital of the video game publisher, corresponding to 6,809,415 shares, and 4.76% of the voting rights. This acquisition was made off-market. The trading exemption is no longer applicable for the group in this context.

The shares held by UBS are distributed primarily between UBS AG, UBS Europe SE, UBS Switzerland AG, and Credit Suisse International. Under specific agreements, such as the "right to recall shares", UBS also holds various rights to shares, amounting to more than 4 million additional shares.

R. H.

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