sur Dalata Hotel Group PLC (isin : IE00BJMZDW83)

UBS Increases Stake in Dalata Hotel Group PLC

UBS Group AG, through its subsidiary UBS Investment Bank & Wealth Management, has increased its financial instrument holdings in Dalata Hotel Group PLC. The notification, submitted in accordance with Standard Form TR-1, indicates that on January 28, 2025, UBS surpassed a 4% threshold of total voting rights through financial instruments, reaching 4.21%.

Dalata Hotel Group PLC, a leading player in the hotel industry, reported that UBS now controls a total of 4.29% of voting rights. The increase is attributed to the acquisition or disposal of financial instruments, rather than direct shareholding changes. UBS has executed these holdings through a chain of controlled undertakings.

This adjustment in UBS's position marks a shift from its prior notification, which showed 3.39% of voting rights via financial instruments. Dalata was notified of the change on January 30, 2025, with Zurich-based UBS listed as the entity responsible.

R. E.

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