sur DiligenceVault

UK Pension Pool, Border To Coast Pensions Partnership Implements DiligenceVault's Digital Diligence Technology

The Border to Coast Alternatives team plans to digitize their due diligence questionnaires, research, and operational risk monitoring activities with the help of DiligenceVault.

DiligenceVault, a global due diligence technology platform for the investment management industry, announced that Border to Coast Pensions Partnership has implemented their technology to enhance their asset manager due diligence and ongoing monitoring needs.

Border to Coast's private markets program continues to grow, necessitating a robust, data-first process for manager selection and portfolio monitoring. DiligenceVault was chosen for its strong functionalities in data collection, dashboards, document management, and reporting.

Ian Sandiford, Head of Investment Team (Alternatives) at Border to Coast, expressed satisfaction with the early results and ease of implementation. Guillaume Rouault, EMEA Director of DiligenceVault, highlighted the value derived from the platform's ease of use for both the fund and the asset managers.

R. E.

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