sur Step One Automotive Group
UKnightedXP and Forever Warriors Unite Against Military Suicide Through Gaming Culture
PENSACOLA, FL - At PENSACON, UKnightedXP and Forever Warriors, supported by Step One Automotive Group, will be presenting perspectives on the role of gaming culture in preventing suicide among military personnel and veterans. Faced with mental health challenges and rising suicide rates, these organizations aim to build meaningful community connections.
Mitch Reed, President of UKnightedXP, emphasizes the importance of gaming culture in strategic planning to enhance military resilience. Tiffany Orner from Forever Warriors stresses the need to meet military personnel in their comfort zone to engage with them authentically.
On February 24, 2024, a panel will be held in Pensacola, featuring military leaders from Northwest Florida, discussing the importance of community and gaming culture in supporting military personnel and veterans.
Forever Warriors is a foundation established in 2021 aimed at supporting military personnel, veterans, and their families by leveraging the existing support network within the military community.
R. H.
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