sur Unusual Machines, Inc.

Unusual Machines Launches NDAA-Compliant FPV Drone Camera

Unusual Machines, a specialist in drone technology, announced the release of the Fat Shark Aura FPV Camera. The high-performance, NDAA-compliant analog camera features a SONY 1/3" CMOS image sensor with 1200TVL resolution, ensuring clarity and strong low-light performance. This development aligns with Unusual Machines' commitment to enhancing the U.S. drone ecosystem.

The camera has already secured a notable order from a U.S.-based drone manufacturer, highlighting trust in its quality. Additionally, it is being considered as part of the Blue UAS Framework, emphasizing its compliance with federal standards.

The camera is available for purchase via the Rotor Riot online store, marking a strategic step in Unusual Machines' efforts to diversify supply and meet growing domestic demand.

R. H.

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