sur USU Software AG (isin : DE000A0BVU28)

USU Software AG Faces Delisting, Offer Priced at €18.50 Per Share

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action USU Software AG (EBR:OSP2).

USU Software AG announced a voluntary public delisting offer of €18.50 per share from NUNUS GmbH, a wholly owned subsidiary of AUSUM GmbH. Prior discussions suggested a statutory minimum price of €17.00, making the present offer 9% higher than expected yet significantly lower than the intrinsic value of €30.00 identified by NuWays AG's DCF valuation.

NuWays AG, which conducted the research, advises shareholders who prefer not to hold an illiquid asset to accept the delisting offer. They previously recommended holding the stock in anticipation of a possible higher offer but have now revised their stance to sell based on the current proposal. Additionally, the analysis highlights the potential for special situation investors to benefit from a future squeeze-out scenario.

R. E.

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