UV GERMI: Change in Governance

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action UV GERMI (EPA:ALUVI).

UV GERMI, a company specializing in the decontamination of water, air and surfaces using UV technology, announces a change in its governance. The Board of Directors has voted to separate the roles of Chairman and CEO. André Bordas, founder and Chairman, resigns from his position as CEO while retaining the Chairmanship of the Board. Willy Fortunato, previously Deputy CEO, takes over as CEO as of March 1, 2025. Sandrine Bordas is confirmed as Deputy CEO.

André Bordas expresses his confidence in Willy Fortunato to continue the structured development of the company. The financial calendar for 2025 is announced, with the annual results for 2024 expected on April 24 and the half-year results scheduled for October 16, 2025.

R. P.

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