Valneva Achieves UK Approval for World's First Chikungunya Vaccine

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action VALNEVA (EPA:VLA).

Valneva SE announced that the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency has approved their chikungunya vaccine, IXCHIQ®, for individuals 18 and older. This marks the vaccine's fourth regulatory approval following prior authorizations in the United States, Europe, and Canada. Manufactured in Scotland, the single-dose vaccine showed a strong immune response in clinical trials. Valneva plans to seek further label expansions, targeting younger age groups.

The vaccine's approval coincides with rising chikungunya cases, particularly in India, a popular destination for UK travelers. This approval addresses both traveler safety and public health concerns over potential disease transmission upon return to the UK.

The decision aligns with global efforts to increase vaccine accessibility in endemic regions. Partnerships, including those with CEPI and the Serum Institute of India, aim to provide affordable vaccine options for low and middle-income countries.

R. P.

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