Valneva presents its outlook at an investor day in New York

On October 10, 2024, Valneva SE will host an investor day in New York, highlighting its strategies for the next 12 to 18 months. The event will notably discuss the potential of their Lyme disease vaccine candidate, developed with Pfizer, as well as the growth of their commercial business and opportunities from their R&D pipeline.
Discussions will include the advancement of the VLA15 vaccine candidate, the commercialization of their chikungunya vaccine IXCHIQ®, and the development of vaccines against Zika virus and shigellosis. A review of the financial outlook for 2024 is also planned.
According to Thomas Lingelbach, CEO of Valneva, the ambition is to achieve sustainable profitability by 2027, supported by the expansion of their travel vaccine portfolio.
R. H.
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