Valneva Reports Share and Voting Rights as of November 30, 2024

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action VALNEVA (EPA:VLA).

Valneva, a company listed on the Euronext Paris regulated market, declared its share capital and voting rights status as of November 30, 2024. The declaration was filed on December 5, 2024. The company is headquartered at 6 rue Alain Bombard, Saint-Herblain, France.

Valneva's share capital consists of 162,494,003 ordinary shares, each valued at €0.15. The total theoretical voting rights associated with these shares amount to 178,371,727. However, when excluding suspended voting rights, the net number of exercisable voting rights stands at 178,247,405.

During November, a change was recorded due to the transfer of 1,000 shares with double voting rights into bearer form on November 26. Additionally, double voting rights were granted to 7,052 ordinary shares between November 1 and 30, 2024.

R. H.

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