sur Valsoft Corp

Valsoft strengthens its position with the purchase of Vigilix

Valsoft Corporation, a software acquisition company, announces the acquisition of Vigilix, consolidating its presence in the point-of-sale software sector. This strategy allows Valsoft to expand its retail solutions, including the integration of advanced remote management and monitoring capabilities.

Vigilix, founded in 2003, is known for its comprehensive solutions for monitoring, data protection and updating point-of-sale systems. This partnership promises an evolution of the Vigilix platform, supported by Valsoft’s resources, according to Andrew Kurtz, CEO of Vigilix.

Will Malouf, Head of Acquisitions at Valsoft, welcomes this union. He highlights Vigilix’s commitment to providing exemplary customer support, thus strengthening Valsoft’s offering. This acquisition aims to increase Vigilix’s international presence and optimize management for merchants.

R. P.

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