sur Barratt Developments (isin : GB0000811801)

Vanguard Group increases its position in Barratt Developments plc

The Vanguard Group, Inc. has made public its recent increase in stake in Barratt Developments plc, an announcement made in accordance with the regulations of the Takeover Code. According to a disclosure dated 26 February 2024, this position now stands at 4.86% of the company's capital with 47,349,745 10p ordinary shares held directly.

This announcement follows recent purchases of Barratt Developments plc shares by Vanguard, including two notable transactions: one for 368 shares at a price of GBP 4.78 per share and the other for 546 shares at a price of 4.78 GBP per share. £79.00. These acquisitions underline the investment group's interest and confidence in the British property developer.

In addition to Barratt Developments, Vanguard also reported involvement in Redrow plc, another company operating in the property development sector, adding an extra layer of dynamism to its investment activities in the UK property sector.

R. H.

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