sur Vectron Systems AG (isin : DE000A0KEXC7)
Vectron Systems AG Announces Progress on Takeover by Shift4
Münster, 17th June 2024: Vectron Systems AG has announced significant progress in its takeover by Shift4. Initially, the acquisition was conditional on Shift4 obtaining at least 70% of Vectron shares. With this threshold nearly reached, Shift4 has waived the condition, marking the acquisition as fulfilled.
The deal includes the acquisition of around 41.4% of Vectron's share capital by CEO Thomas Stümmler and a 10% capital increase subscribed by Shift4. The tender offer of EUR 10.50 per share is attractive and includes premiums compared to past trading prices.
Both Vectron's Executive and Supervisory Boards have reviewed and endorsed the offer, deeming it fair and beneficial for the company, its employees, and customers. They recommend shareholders accept the offer, especially considering the planned delisting of Vectron shares.
The transaction involves advisors such as Stephens, Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek, and Meister Consulting.
R. H.
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