sur Vectron Systems AG (isin : DE000A0KEXC7)

Vectron Systems AG Restructures Business Model and Announces Personnel Changes

Vectron Systems AG reported its preliminary results for 2024, showing sales of EUR 42 million and an operating loss of EUR 0.7 million. The company focuses on intelligent POS systems and cloud services in the hospitality and bakery sectors. Recurring revenues now surpass 50%, while one-off revenues decline. Vectron is no longer listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and has shifted to local GAAP reporting.

In December 2024, the company launched a new product bundle in collaboration with Shift4, offering POS and payment processing services. Significant changes to the Supervisory Board occurred with the resignation of Andreas Prenner and Jürgen Gallmann, replaced by Jordan Frankel and Luke Thomas from Shift4. Christoph Thye resigned from Vectron’s Management Board to focus on his role at acardo group AG.

R. P.

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