sur Velox Energy Materials Inc. (isin : CA92261D1024)

Velox Energy Materials Inc. launches a metallurgical test program on the Cambridge vanadium deposit

Velox Energy Materials Inc., based in Toronto, has launched a significant metallurgical test program on vanadium samples from the Cambridge deposit in Queensland. BHM Process Consultants, leading process engineers, have been engaged to oversee this metallurgical program. Representative core samples from a recent diamond drilling program have been selected to assess different mineralogical zones of the prospective Toolebuc formation, which hosts the vanadium mineralization.

The samples will be analyzed by Brisbane Met Labs (BML), a specialist in evaluating vanadium deposits in North Queensland. Results of this test program are expected by mid-2024. They will help guide the next steps in the project's development.

Velox President and CEO, Simon Coyle, emphasized the careful selection of metallurgical consultants and the laboratory to ensure an adequate knowledge base for the company's first metallurgical work. BML, known for its expertise in evaluating vanadium ores in North Queensland, gives Velox the confidence of having best-in-class analysis for its mineral resource at Cambridge.

Velox Energy Materials focuses on developing and advancing high-value assets in resource-friendly jurisdictions and research. The NQV project in Queensland, Australia, is the company's priority, with notable indicated and inferred mineral resources in the Cambridge deposit.

R. H.

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