sur CREALOGIX Group (isin : CH0011115703)

Vencora finalizes the acquisition of CREALOGIX

Vencora UK Limited announces the success of its public tender offer for CREALOGIX Holding AG, consolidating its presence in the banking technology sector.

On February 21, 2024, Vencora closes the offer for CREALOGIX's shares, a renowned Swiss technology company in the financial services field, with a 99% ownership. Founded in 1996 and listed on the Swiss SIX stock exchange in 2000, CREALOGIX has shown significant growth with over 600 international clients.

Through this acquisition, CREALOGIX joins Vencora's global collective, gaining access to new practices and networking opportunities within this expanding portfolio. Integration into Vencora, a company focused on strengthening technology firms in the banking and financial sector, promises to further enhance CREALOGIX's position.

The transaction highlights Vencora's growth strategy in Europe and maintains CREALOGIX's commitment to meeting the needs of its clients and employees, while preserving its operational independence under the leadership of its CEO, Oliver Weber.

Vencora now plans to proceed with the delisting of CREALOGIX's shares from the SIX Swiss Exchange, emphasizing the focus on internal development and future innovations within its extensive network of technology companies.

R. E.

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