sur CREALOGIX Group (isin : CH0011115703)

Vencora UK Limited completes acquisition of CREALOGIX Holding AG

Vencora UK Limited announced that it has finalized the acquisition of CREALOGIX Holding AG, now holding a majority stake of 99.07%. The transaction was carried out through a public tender offer for all publicly available CREALOGIX shares, at a unit price of CHF 8.00, as well as a share purchase agreement with certain shareholders of the company. Following this acquisition, Vencora directly and indirectly holds a total of 1,391,622 CREALOGIX shares, representing almost all of the company's share capital and voting rights.

In accordance with the terms detailed in the offer prospectus, Vencora plans to initiate a cancellation procedure for the remaining CREALOGIX shares and request the delisting of these shares from the SIX Swiss Exchange. It also intends to ensure that CREALOGIX is exempt from certain regulatory obligations related to information disclosure and transparency, in accordance with the listing rules of SIX Exchange Regulation SA.

R. E.

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