Veolia Environnement Updates Euro Medium Term Notes Programme

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action VEOLIA (EPA:VIE).

On November 27, 2024, Veolia Environnement announced that the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) has approved the first supplement to its 2024 base prospectus for the 18 billion euros Euro Medium Term Notes (EMTN) programme. The base prospectus initially received approval from the AMF on August 29, 2024 (approval number 24-380). The newly approved supplement holds the approval number 24-502.

Both the base prospectus and the first supplement are accessible on Veolia's website, within the "finance" section under "debt and ratings" for analysts and investors. Additionally, these documents can be obtained at Veolia’s head office and from the designated paying agent, as outlined in the base prospectus, and are also available on the AMF website.

R. P.

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